At Ukrainian Credit Union, we went beyond traditional banking by actively participating in the Junior Achievement program, specifically the Economics for Success initiative delivered to Grade 8 students.
For us, being part of a credit union meant embracing a broader role as stewards of the community. In delivering the Economics for Success program, students were guided to navigate the often overwhelming transition from high school to post-secondary education or employment. During these engaging in-class sessions, students used interactive games and multimedia to:
- Understand the advantages of staying in school and explore post-secondary options.
- Gain insights into life after high school, fostering a realistic perspective.
- Map their interests, skills, and passions to potential career paths.
- Learn essential networking skills, identify mentors, and create a strong personal brand.
- Develop budgeting skills to prepare for the financial realities of post-secondary life.
- Formulate strategies to help them achieve their goals.
Our commitment extended beyond banking services—we actively contributed to shaping the future success of students by bridging the gap between education and real-world aspirations.

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